Brands in North York

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Fashion & Function

At Toronto Medical Eye Associates, we carry the Maui Jim Brand for sunglasses to deliver excellent frame and lens quality to our patients.

Visit us today to find a new pair of sunglasses for your unique visual and fashion needs.

Protecting Your Eyes

Sunglasses are crucial in protecting your eyes from the harmful effects of UV radiation

UV radiation can speed up the premature formation of cataracts and harm the white part of the eye called the sclera. UV radiation can potentially penetrate to the retina and increase damage to the macula, which controls your central vision.

Being out and about in the sun is a good time, and we want your eyes to be protected from harmful UV rays.

Maui Jim Sunglasses

Maui Jim sunglasses manage light rather than creating a dimming effect. The lenses have colour enhancers with their PolarizedPlus2 technology. Maui Jim sunglasses are waterproof and anti-reflective, repelling against glare and UV light. 

Your doctor will determine a standard read power for your sunglasses and help you select the best sunglasses for your needs.

Types of Lenses

Maui Jim provides lenses with flexibility and convenience that not only suit your lifestyle and function but are also aesthetically pleasing.

Lens colours include:

  • Neutral Grey
  • Maui Rose
  • HCL Bronze
  • Maui HT (green tint)
  • Bi-gradient mirror: Mirror at the top and bottom of the lens squints for you, allowing your eyes to relax.
  • Single gradient: A darker application at the top that gradually gets lighter moving down the lens, so the appropriate amount of light can filter through certain areas, while less light filters through in places where protection is paramount.

We also offer full fashion mirrors:

  • Blue Hawaii: Blue mirror coating is applied to the frontside surface of our PolarizedPlus2 Neutral Grey lens.
  • MAUI Sunrise: Pink mirror coating is applied to the frontside surface of our PolarizedPlus2 Maui Rose lens.
  • MAUI Green: Green mirror coating is applied to the frontside surface of our PolarizedPlus2 Neutral Grey lens.
  • HAWAII LAVA: Red mirror coating is applied to the front surface of our HCL Bronze PolarizedPlus2 lens.

Protecting Your Vision with Style

Our sunglasses selection offers our patients an excellent way to protect their vision and achieve their ideal look. Sunglasses combine fashion and function, and we want our patients to look and feel their best. 

Visit us to find the right sunglasses for your unique visual needs.

Our Services

Say Goodbye to Dry Eye

Do you suffer from dry eye symptoms? 

Dry eye is a common condition that can cause your eyes to feel uncomfortable and irritated. Don’t let dry eye stop you from living your life. Dr. Taji is a trusted voice on dry eye disease and has hosted many lectures and presentations on diagnosis and treatment.

You can feel confident in your dry eye treatment with our team. Contact us today to book your dry eye evaluation and get relief sooner.

Our Location

You’ll find our clinic around the corner from North York General Hospital, just up from the Don River and Betty Sutherland hiking trail.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any trouble finding us!

Our Address

  • 1333 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 343
  • North York, Ontario M2J 1V1

Contact Information

Our Hours

  • Monday – Thursday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM 12:00 PM
  • Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Image with a woman and man looking at the woman's phone. Image reads: We offer Maui Jim sunglasses & Lenses by ZEISS


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